K&N air filters are typically installed in most automobiles to protect these engines from dangerous debris, as well as to increase horsepower and acceleration. Without proper maintenance, K&N air filter will damage airflow and impede engine operation.
That is why in this article, Floorcleaningtools will cover all information relating to how to clean K&N air filter without kit.

When Should You Clean Your K&N Air Filter?
The answer is it depends. Normally manufacturers would suggest you clean your air filter after every 50,000 miles. It is a reasonable suggestion if you drive in good road conditions. You should also visibly check your K&N air filter after every 15 thousand miles of regular driving.
If you live in a more polluted environment or drive in bad conditions, it is essential to religiously inspect K&N air filters and refresh them more often than 50,000 miles.
If you forget to do that, the air filter will start gathering an unhealthy amount of dust and filth as time goes by. This will damage airflow, hinder engine functions, and partly harm fuel efficiency.
How To Clean K&N Air Filter Without Kit
What makes learning how to clean K&N air filter without kit essential is that the filter is also a visible element, which means consistent cleaning is important for the best overall appearance of a vehicle.
People usually use the K&N Air Filter Recharger Kit for cleaning, however, this kit might be too expensive at where you live. Now it shouldn’t be a big deal cause you are going to learn how to clean K&N air filter without kit.
What you will need: a spray bottle, Purple Power, an aerosol oil spray
Cleaning procedures:
Step 1: Carefully take the air filter out of your car.
Step 2: Gently shake it to remove excess loose dust and debris.
Step 3: Purple Power is a tried-and-true and more affordable alternative for K&N cleaner spray. What you need to do is transform the product into a mist form by gradually pouring it into a spray bottle. Afterward, spray it thoroughly around the filter and let the device sit for 10 minutes.

It is recommended that you spray the liquid 2 – 3 times to avoid overcoating. Do not let the liquid soak up completely before you wash the filter again with water.
Step 4: After 10 minutes, use an open-ended hose to gently rinse it under water and wait until the filter dries out completely and is ready for re-oil. Remember to use low-pressure water because the device can be easily damaged if you’re not careful enough.
Step 5: After that, give it a nice coat of aerosol oil and wait for another 20 minutes. If your oil comes in drips, use one drip for every pleat and the oil will spread into the filter. Make sure to check if there is any part that needs more coating.
Step 6: It is also important to soak up the excess oil before taking the filter back to the engine. Using something such as paper towels will be helpful.
Step 7: Now the K&N air filter should be ready to be re-installed back to the airbox.
With these simple steps and household products, now you must figure out how to clean K&N air filter without kit. Although it is a small element in your engine, that it receives occasional care can substantially enhance your vehicle performance and its longevity.
A small step goes a long way, so knowing how to clean K&N air filter without kit will be a great way to preserve your automobiles.